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Please note that this website is a separate website than the UHMS website. Your login credentials for the UHMS website will not work here. If you have not created an account on this website yet, please do so by clicking the "Log in" button and then "Register" at the bottom of the pop-up dialog.

Welcome to the UHMS
Online Continuing Education Portal!

We are thrilled to welcome you to the UHMS online continuing education platform! Your enrollment in the online courses will give you exclusive access to in-depth content that is designed to enhance your clinical practice in wound care, undersea, and hyperbaric medicine faster than you ever thought possible.

The Benefits of Online Continuing Education Include:

Learn at your own pace

Extremely cost effective

Entirely on-demand, earn credits at your convenience, in a setting of your choice

Are you a member of UHMS?

If so, get your promo codes for these courses by clicking this button
and save on the purchase of each course.

Codes cannot be used for live courses

All that is needed to access the online courses is a computer with an internet connection, audio speakers to listen to the lectures, and a keyboard to take the quizzes.

So let’s get started!

Click the button to login or the button to register if you don't have an account.  Once logged in you will be able to purchase the course.  To download a step-by-step tutorial on getting started click here.

We highly recommend that you block out 60 minutes today or tomorrow to complete the course registration, introduction, and first module. We are honored to welcome you to the UHMS Online Education Portal! Thank you!

Hardware/Software Requirements

Hardware/software required for a learner to participate in this enduring material event includes:

  • Computer with an internet connection and a modern, updated browser. We support Microsoft Edge, Safari, Google Chrome, and Firefox.
    • Note: If using Microsoft Internet Explorer we cannot guarantee that this website will work.
  • Audio speakers to listen to the lectures
  • Keyboard to take the quizzes